aQua-Letter 2

Welcome to the Second Edition of the aQua-Letter!

We’re back with another exciting round of updates from aQuatonomous! Our team has made incredible strides across all sub-teams, and we’re thrilled to share some key milestones from the past week. Let’s dive into the progress that’s been made!

Electrical Team Update

The Electrical Team has wrapped up onboarding and is making strong progress. The telemetry group is working on a schematic and preparing for bench testing the Pixhawk, while the power group is focused on gathering hardware for the battery. The layout team has shifted its focus toward safety, and proposals for the emergency stop systems are in the works.

Mechanical Team Update

The Mechanical Team has split into two groups for better efficiency. They’ve purchased materials for the hull, including foam core and plywood, and are preparing for laser cutting and 3D printing to shape the hull structure. The CAD model for the frame is nearly complete, and everything is moving along smoothly after a great turnout at their first workshop.

Perception Team Update

The Perception Team has been diving into ROS2 and Gazebo. They’ve successfully launched Gazebo and are working on buoyancy simulations, while also refining object detection prototypes. The team plans to complete key competition tasks in Gazebo before shifting focus to advanced mapping tools.

Ecological Science & Research Update

The Ecological Science and Research Team has divided into two groups, one studying the effects of motor fuel and the other researching algae. Both groups are drafting their proposals and fine-tuning the specifics of their studies.

Looking Ahead

As always, we are proud of the progress made by every member of aQuatonomous. Stay tuned for the next edition of the aQua-Letter, where we’ll feature exciting updates from the Business and Autonomy teams!

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